
Think of the thing that makes you most happy.  When you see it or get involved in it, you light up.  That is what creating art does for me.  The different commissions I have undertaken have taken me on journeys I might not have otherwise gone on.  Connecting with the client and finding out about the reason, motivation and need for the commission sparks all kinds of ideas.  

My personal art practice often includes playing with a variety of art materials.  Whether it's using gouache, creating digital illustrations, using ink and bamboo or cutting into cardboard envelopes to create a scene, there is always some new way to use these materials to express an idea.


Originally from the American Midwest, I trained as a Fine Art major, minoring in Art Education. I currently work in Edinburgh as both an artist and an art teacher of young children. All of my art lessons incorporate Art History and the creation of artworks inspired by the work of specific artists or even just a single work by an individual. My professional practice focuses on drawing people, architecture and creating pieces using a variety of art materials. 

My work has been exhibited throughout the UK and USA, notably the Royal Scottish Academy in Edinburgh and the Barbican Artists Studios in London. I divide my work time between creating illustration pieces for various corporate and private clients and teaching children and adults.


I have a lively household and spend my personal time going on adventures with my family.  Often these adventures inspire new artworks.  I take my sketch books and travel paint set with me on these holidays so I can capture the architecture and architectural details of the places we visit. 

Image by Sarah-Alexandra Teodorescu

Any questions regarding my work, please contact me at CassandraHarrisonArt@gmail.com